Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chocolate Halvah

Halvah, a sweet treat consisting of ground sesame seeds and honey. In this recipe I grounded my own hulled sesame seeds. I added honey, cacao powder, coconut butter and vanilla extract. The halvah was pressed into a small glass dish and scored in one inch pieces then frigerated for two hours. This also keeps well in freezer, if it lasts that long. Then, of course, I had to sample. Delicious! This will take care of your sweet tooth, but it doesn't stop there, sesame seeds are a great way to add to your daily calcium intake. Enjoy!


FabricFascination said...

I love sesame seeds and honey, so am pretty sure I would love this recipe.

Anonymous said...

Yummy, I used to eat Halvah a lot as a kid. It's been a while. ; )

SarahBeth said...

Sounds delicious! Can you provide amounts for the ingredients? I'm not one of those "just add till it feels right types" : )
And more calcium is always good!

Galit said...

I always wanted to try and make my own Halva!! This doesn't sound too complicated. I should definitely have to give it a try soon!!

Have a lovely week Frannie!!

Frannie said...

Good morning
Oh, I didn't think anyone would ask for amounts!! Yikes. I need to start including my measurements with recipes likes this.

But, if you start with the sesame seeds 1 cup finely ground. And then add 2 Tablespoons of honey, 1 Tablespoon of soft/melted coconut butter, 1 Tablespoon of cacao powder and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla.

It should form a dough ball. You can add more honey or more coconut butter to get just the right consistency for you.

Some people like it very dry and some, like it more gooey fudge.
You can leave out the cacao powder and add chopped pistachio nuts for a more traditional

Have a good day.

eeniemoni said...

Oh I'm so glad you posted the recipe for this here. I was just going to beg you for it ;)
Will definitely try these